Today is a special day at TAA. This week, Tilsley and the world of architecture gained another fully licensed Architect! Our very own, Kathleen Roosen finished her final exam August 7, then discovered she had passed. After acquiring her BA in Architecture from Miami University, Kathleen later received her M.Arch from The University of Houston. Once completing 6 grueling years in school, she began her required 3,500 IDP hours (Intern Development Program) to earn eligibility to begin taking her AREs (Architecture Registration Exams). Since completing all requisite criteria, Kathleen had the task of beginning her 5 exams to ensure her skills and capabilities were worthy of full licensure. With years of hard-work and determination, she passed each test with flying colors! We want to take this time to congratulate Kathleen on this huge career milestone and to acknowledge her perseverance through the difficult and seemingly never ending studying. We are so proud to have you on the Tilsley team and look forward to working along side you as the newest Registered Architect in the city!